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Aria Player/Sforzando crashes as an exported LV2 from Carla in Ardour

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:41 pm
by artofmusic
I got a weird issue when I try to open the DAW's piano roll with a midi capable WindowsVST (such as sforzando) as an LV2 plugin using Carla as the host. Every time I press a midi note regardless of what DAW I use it crashes it. This does not happen when using an audio plugin with no midi output exported to an LV2, however. I'm using Carla 1.9.14 as it is the latest. Also, the LinVst Plugin Bridges's GUI opens in Carla now, yeah finally!! Hope someone has an answer to this.

Re: Aria Player/Sforzando crashes as an exported LV2 from Carla in Ardour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:16 pm
by lordbullingdon
Not sure if you still need help with this, but you can use the exported LV2 of Sforzando in Ardour by inserting it on an Audio+Midi track rather than just a regular MIDI track.