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Leger der 7 naties

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:14 am
by studio32

I've listened carefully to a very well known song (the title is a translation.... ), and tried to get it on paper. I think it comes close to the original song.

This is maybe useful to you when you want to make an theoretical analyses of the song or the instrument parts. You also might want to use it to learn how to write scores (notation/tablature/drums) using Lilypond. Or you can use this to play a long with it with your bass....
Please only for private use. Do not copy it, publice it, pass it on or sell it! Just to educate yourself if you want.
Discussion and suggestion are appreciated.

edit: I did get an comment about copyrights. I think I stay on the right side of the line... but I'm not an expert on this area. I know there are some 'fair dealing' rules in Canada:
It then establishes six principal criteria for evaluating fair dealing.

1. The Purpose of the Dealing Is it for research, private study, criticism, review or news reporting? It expresses that "these allowable purposes should not be given a restrictive interpretation or this could result in the undue restriction of users' rights."
2. The Character of the Dealing How were the works dealt with? Was there a single copy or were multiple copies made? Were these copies distributed widely or to a limited group of people? Was the copy destroyed after its purpose was accomplished? What are the normal practices of the industry?
3. The Amount of the Dealing How much of the work was used? What was the importance of the infringed work? Quoting trivial amounts may alone sufficiently establish fair dealing. In some cases even quoting the entire work may be fair dealing.
4. Alternatives to the Dealing Was a "non-copyrighted equivalent of the work" available to the user? Could the work have been properly criticized without being copied?
5. The Nature of the Work Copying from a work that has never been published could be more fair than from a published work "in that its reproduction with acknowledgement could lead to a wider public dissemination of the work - one of the goals of copyright law. If, however, the work in question was confidential, this may tip the scales towards finding that the dealing was unfair."
6. Effect of the Dealing on the Work Is it likely to affect the market of the original work? "Although the effect of the dealing on the market of the copyright owner is an important factor, it is neither the only factor nor the most important factor that a court must consider in deciding if the dealing is fair." A statement that a dealing infringes may not be sufficient, but evidence will often be required.
1: I posted this to learn lilypond (drums/tablature/notation and some 'tricks') and song analyses.
2: I posted one copy in code format which is not accessible by many people. I posted it on the hidden forum part and I gave it another name which will prevent people to find it by a certain search keyword in a search engine. There are rules in this forum, don't spread, copy etc.
3. I posted the whole song, not the whole book... but remember it is just an interpretation of the song done by ear, not by copying any book. To analyze the song, you need the whole song. But if possible, I try to post just snippets of songs in future.
4. You can buy the official sheets yes.
5. It's not the official score, it's a score of the song, but not a copy of official sheets. It's been done by ear.
6. It's just for a very small group of people... the chance that it will effect the market is statistically <0.05

So as I said, I think I stay on the right side of the border and it's totally not my intention to spread this score. But I like to be able to discuss musical things and lilypond score editing with others.

Code: Select all

\header {
  title = "Leger der zeven naties"
  arranger = "'De witte strepen'"

\include ""
global = {
  \key e \minor
  \tempo 4=126
  \time 4/4

soloGuitar = \relative c' {
  \time 4/4
  \key e \minor
  \clef "G_8" 
  \transposition c 
  \repeat unfold 62 {r1}
  \repeat unfold 2 {e4.\1 e8\1 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\1  } g4\1 \staccato e4\1 \staccato fis4\1 \staccato}  g2\1 fis2\1\prall
  e4.\1 e8\1 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\1  } g4\1 \staccato e4\1 \staccato fis4\1 \staccato}  \times 2/3 {g4\1 g4\1-\bendAfter #+1 g\1 } fis2\1\prall }  
  \repeat unfold 2 {e'4.\1 e8\1 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\1  } g4\1 \staccato e4\1 \staccato fis4\1 \staccato}  g2\1 fis2\1\prall
  e4.\1 e8\1 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\1  } g4\1 \staccato e4\1 \staccato fis4\1 \staccato}  \times 2/3 {g4\1 g4\1-\bendAfter #+1 g\1 } fis2\1\prall }  
  r1 r1
  e,,2\6\prall r2  e2\6\prall r2
  \repeat unfold 28 {r1} \bar "|."

jazzGuitar = \relative c {
  \time 4/4
  \key e \minor
  \clef "G_8" 
  \transposition c 
  % Music follows here.
  \repeat unfold 24 {r1}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<d a>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<e b>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 2 {e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  c2\6 b4\6 r4
  e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  \times 2/3 {c4\6 \acciaccatura {c\6} d\6 \acciaccatura {d\6}  c4\6 }  b4\6 \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'cross <e b'>4\5\4 \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'default }
    \repeat unfold 8 {<d a>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<e b>8 \staccato}

%part two
\repeat unfold 24 {r1}
\repeat unfold 8 {<d a>8 \staccato}
\repeat unfold 8 {<e b>8 \staccato}

\repeat unfold 4 {e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  c2\6 b4\6 r4
  e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  \times 2/3 {c4\6 \acciaccatura {c\6} d\6 \acciaccatura {d\6}  c4\6 }  b4\6 \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'cross <e b'>4\5\4 \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'default }
  \repeat unfold 8 {<d a>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<e b>8 \staccato}
  %part 3
  \repeat unfold 24 {r1}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<d a>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 8 {<e b>8 \staccato}
  \repeat unfold 2 {e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  c2\6 b4\6 r4
  e4.\5 e8\5 \times 2/3 {\acciaccatura {fis\5  } g4\5 \staccato e4\5 \staccato d4\6 \staccato}  \times 2/3 {c4\6 \acciaccatura {c\6} d\6 \acciaccatura {d\6}  c4\6 }  b4\6 \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'cross <e b'>4\5\4 \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'default }
  <e a>1\5\3\prall <e a>8\5\3\staccato_\mf  r8 r2. \bar "|."

electricBass = \relative c {
  \transposition c 
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass-tuning
  % Music follows here.
  \repeat unfold 12{e,4.\3 e8\3 \times 2/3 {g4\3 \staccato e4\3 \staccato d4\3 \staccato}  c2\4 b4\4 r4}
  d8 \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato | e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato
  \repeat unfold 8 {e2\3 r2}
  d8 \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato | e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato
  \repeat unfold 12{e4.\3 e8\3 \times 2/3 {g4\3 \staccato e4\3 \staccato d4\3 \staccato}  c2\4 b4\4 r4}
  d8 \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato | e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato
    \repeat unfold 16 {e2\3 r2}
  d8 \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato | e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato
  \repeat unfold 12{e4.\3 e8\3 \times 2/3 {g4\3 \staccato e4\3 \staccato d4\3 \staccato}  c2\4 b4\4 r4}
  d8 \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato d \staccato | e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato e \staccato
  \repeat unfold 8 {e2\3 r2}
  r1 r1\bar "|."

drum = \drummode {
  % Drums follow here.
  \repeat unfold 4 {r1}
  \repeat unfold 16 { bd4 bd bd bd}
  \repeat unfold 4 {bd4 sn bd sn}
  <bd cyms>4 bd bd bd  cyms bd bd bd  
  \repeat unfold 4 {<bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn }
  <bd cyms>4 <sn cyms>4 \times 2/3 {<bd cyms>4 cyms  cyms} <bd sn cyms>4  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> 
  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn
  <bd cyms hhc>4 hhc hhc hhc  <bd cyms hhc> hhc hhc hhc 
  cyms r2.
  \repeat unfold 3 {r1}
  \repeat unfold 16 { bd4 bd bd bd}
  \repeat unfold 4 {bd4 sn bd sn}
  <bd cyms>4 bd bd bd  cyms bd bd bd 
  \repeat unfold 8 {<bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn }
  <bd cyms>4 <sn cyms>4 \times 2/3 {<bd cyms>4 cyms  cyms} <bd sn cyms>4  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms>  
  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn 
  %<bd cyms hhc>4 
  <bd cyms>4 <sn cyms>4 \times 2/3 {<bd cyms>4 cyms  cyms} <bd sn cyms>4  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms>  
  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn 
  <bd cyms hhc>4
  hhc hhc hhc  <bd cyms hhc> hhc hhc hhc 
  cyms r2.
  \repeat unfold 3 {r1}
    \repeat unfold 16 { bd4 bd bd bd}
    \repeat unfold 4 {bd4 sn bd sn}
    <bd cyms>4 bd bd bd  cyms bd bd bd 
    \repeat unfold 4 {<bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn }
    <bd cyms>4 <sn cyms>4 \times 2/3 {<bd cyms>4 cyms  cyms} <bd sn cyms>4  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms>  
    <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn  <bd cyms> sn <bd cyms> sn 
    r1 r1\bar "|."

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff \with {
        midiInstrument = "overdriven guitar"
      } \soloGuitar
      \new TabStaff \with {
        midiInstrument = "overdriven guitar"
      } \soloGuitar
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff \with {
        midiInstrument = "electric guitar (jazz)"
      } \jazzGuitar
      \new TabStaff \with {
        midiInstrument = "electric guitar (jazz)"
      } \jazzGuitar
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff \with {
        midiInstrument = "electric bass (finger)"
      } {
        \clef bass
      \new TabStaff \with {
        midiInstrument = "electric bass (finger)"
        stringTunings = #bass-tuning
      } \electricBass
    \new DrumStaff \drum
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

Re: Leger der 7 naties

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:26 pm
by studio32
The next step of mine to get comfortable in the world of linux audio, I decided to learn ARdour...

It's not perfect ;) ... a bit funny :p ... volume level differences.... not in the right sequence.... but just a song to learn to play with ardour: record, edit, add some effects etc.

I think it's a good app and a must learn app on linux!

I have the feeling I didn't use a lot of useful tools I should have used... so advice and tips are welcome!!!

I recorded pieces of music and cut/copy and pasted it in the right place.

What did I learn?
- basics usage of Ardour
- recording a song is difficult...
- recording takes time and patience..
- Its harder then you think, to play in the right rhythm...

Stuff used:
- ardour
- G&S Custom Work Drum kit Sample Library 1.0
- qtractor
- the link you can find on this forum about creating great guitar sounds by Arda..

- Cort bassguitar
- Epiphone les paul guitar
- maudio dmp3
- maudio audiophile 24/96

Here is the wav file, maybe there is a password which is: iloveardour ... leger.html

edit: made it a bit better: ... ger11.html

Is it possible to upload a ardour session which is usable by others? Maybe someone can learn from it...

Next step Jamin?

EDIT: ok next version, now with a little gain/ loudness control, which I tried to accomplish by JAMin and added a plugin in ardour 'TAB Scaling limiter' ... ... leger.html