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OMK quarterly releases 2019-2: eteroj.lv2 [0.6.0], midi_matrix.lv2 [0.22.0], moony.lv2 [0.26.0], patch_matrix [0.14.0],

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:57 am
by ventosus
A.s. send me an e-mail if there should be questions, as I don't visit this forum regularly, at all.

Code: Select all

   ____                      __  ___           _     
  / __ \____  ___  ____     /  |/  /_  _______(_)____
 / / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \   / /|_/ / / / / ___/ / ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / /  / /  / / /_/ (__  ) / /__  
\____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/  /_/  /_/\__,_/____/_/\___/  
    __ __            __             ____              
   / //_/___  ____  / /__________  / / /__  __________
  / ,< / __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ ___/
 / /| / /_/ / / / / /_/ /  / /_/ / / /  __/ /  (__  ) 
/_/ |_\____/_/ /_/\__/_/   \____/_/_/\___/_/  /____/  
Quarterly releases 2019-2
   ______                 _ 
  / __/ /____ _______    (_)
 / _// __/ -_) __/ _ \  / / 
/___/\__/\__/_/  \___/_/ /  

*Open Sound Control inside LV2 plugin graphs*

This LV2 plugin bundle allows you to handle OSC (Open Sound Control) bundles and
messages in modular hosts.

- Insert/dispatch OSC from/to UDP, TCP (IPv4/6) and serial sockets
- Pack/unpack MIDI into OSC
- Pack/unpack OSC into MIDI
- Pack/unpack LV2 atoms into OSC

Makes only sense to be used in hosts that allow
routing of LV2 atom messages between plugins, e.g.


[0.6.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- synchronous mode in eteroj:ninja (needs lock-free urid:map implementation)
- connection status reporting in eteroj:io
- connection errors reporting in eteroj:io


- build system from CMake to meson
- from libuv to pure POSIX network sockets
- increase buffer sizes in eteroj:io
- from lv2_atom_object_query to lv2_atom_object_get (GCC bug)
- to fixed size scheduling array in eteroj:io
- dispatching bundles immediately if no support for osc:sched (host feature)


- endian headers for BSDs
- running forbidden custom worker thread in eteroj:io
- broken automatic reconnections for lost UDP/TCP links in eteroj:io


- support for mingw (POSIX sockets)
- eteroj:control plugin
- eteroj:disk plugin

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:

   __  ____    ___   __  ___     __      _     
  /  |/  (_)__/ (_) /  |/  /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
 / /|_/ / / _  / / / /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/  /_/_/\_,_/_/ /_/  /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\ 

*An LV2 MIDI channel matrix patcher*

Things that can be accomplished with this plugin:

- MIDI channel filtering (e.g. blocking of specific channels)
- MIDI channel multiplication (e.g. send events from channel X to channels X, Y and Z)
- MIDI channel rerouting (e.g send events from channel X to channel Y)
- And any possible combination thereof

[0.22.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- ui resize extension
- dynamic drawing/erasing while mouse down
- button for one-to-one connection layout


- build system from CMake to meson

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:

   __  ___                   
  /  |/  /__  ___  ___  __ __
 / /|_/ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ // /
/_/  /_/\___/\___/_//_/\_, / 

*Realtime Lua as programmable glue in LV2*

Write LV2 control port and event filters in Lua. Use it for one-off fillters,
prototyping, experimenting or glueing stuff together.

[0.26.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- use custom environment in code injection example preset
- global moony:error parameter
- global moony:code parameter
- external editor ui
- supported options to turtle metadata
- HTML reference manual to plugin bundle
- button for opening HTML reference manual
- support for plain atoms as rdf:value in state responder
- support decoding patch:Put events in state responder


- from Cmake to meson build system
- enable manual garbage collection by default
- internal Lua registry code cleanup
- from lv2_atom_object_query to lv2_atom_object_get (GCC bug)
- from strtok to strsep (the latter is rt-safe)
- to updated (experimental) canvas extension
- use strpbrk to match OSC path wildcards
- always return params:sampleRate from options interface
- render instructions in presets to be compatible with nanovg backend


- automatic scaling for hiDPI displays
- initial focus on text edit fields
- text edit for onon-single line edits
- log auto-clear upon code send
- always overwrite error message with latest


- math.random and math.randomseed (use rt-safe 'random' module instead)

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:

   ___       __      __   __  ___     __      _     
  / _ \___ _/ /_____/ /  /  |/  /__ _/ /_____(_)_ __
 / ___/ _ `/ __/ __/ _ \/ /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ /\ \ /
/_/   \_,_/\__/\__/_//_/_/  /_/\_,_/\__/_/ /_//_\_\ 

*a JACK patchbay in flow matrix style*

A simple graphical JACK patchbay that tries to unite the best of both worlds:

- Fast patching and uncluttered port representation of a **matrix patchbay**
- Excellent representation of signal flow of a **flow canvas patchbay**

It additionally features tightly embedded graphical mixer clients automatable

[0.14.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- missing call to XinitThreads for asynchronous refresh
- support for BSDs
- audio/MIDI mixer gain automation via JACK MIDI
- audio/MIDI mixer gain automation via JACK OSC


- build system from CMake to meson


- exit after failed execvp
- wrongly ordered numbers in port names
- hardcoded launcher icon file path
- crashing gui on showing tooltips
- hiding connector nodes for zero port source/sink connections

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:

   ______           __         __  
  / __/ /  ___ ____/ /__  ____/ /__
 _\ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ / _ \/ __/  '_/
/___/_//_/\__/_/ /_/\___/\__/_/\_\ 

*An investigative LV2 plugin bundle*

This plugin bundle contains plugins for visualizing LV2 atom, MIDI and
OSC events.

Use them for monitoring and debugging of event signal flows inside plugin graphs.

[0.18.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- ui resize extension
- tracing to host's log for atom_inspector
- filtering by URID for atom_inspector


- build system from CMake to meson
- ui checkboxes
- routing only OSC messages/bundles to ui
- style to always light color row after frame row
- put OSC arguments on separate rows


- automatic scaling on hiDPI displays
- end-of-line handling in turtle lexer
- atom item sizes reporting
- turtle pretty number configuration switching
- strobing shadowing when in non-following mode

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at:

 _   ____  ___
| | / /  |/  /
| |/ / /|_/ / 
|___/_/  /_/  

*A programmable virtual machine LV2 plugin*

This plugin bundle contains various plugins with a programmable stack-based
virtual machine to modify up to 8 LV2 Control, CV, Audio, Atom and MIDI signals.

To be used when that specific simple filter plugin you desperately need does
not yet exist.

[0.6.0] - 15 Apr 2019


- vm:midi MIDI Conversion plugin
- ui button icons


- build system from CMake to meson


- port_event callback to handle all patch ports

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 as published by
The Perl Foundation.

Kindly find more details, the source (and binaries) at: